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Welcome to the guestbook of canadapaacykel.dk Please leave me a message if you have enjoyed or maybe even benefited from this website. Thanks!
Velkommen til canadapaacykel.dks gæstebog. Smid mig en lille hilsen, så bliver jeg så glad. På forhånd tak!
Hilsen fra Grenaa | E-mail URL |
Synes det var
sjovt at se jeres hjemmeside. Har selv kørt rundt i USA denne sommer på
en blå Cannondale t800 årgang 2004! Har haft mange herlige stunder på
cykel de sidste 12-15 år. Er selv ved at spare op til en tur fra
Fairbanks til Toronto som jeg håber at kunne gennemføre i sommeren 2008. Mvh. Carsten Brandt 20-12-2006 18:39:23 |
Great homepage | E-mail URL |
Hey Guys! I
visited this homepage quite a few times. It is such a beautiful coverage
of a very nice trip. The pics are great, too. Despite the hardship, you
must have had a very lovely time. Great hompage! thanx!
Rehlachs 12-12-2006 07:23:09 |
nice Web site | E-mail URL |
I really enjoyed
reading about your trip. It was almost poetic. We learned alot and hope
to take the same trip.
Michelle 27-10-2006 12:45:33 |
hey! | E-mail URL |
love the website,
and i'm thinking of doing a vancouver --> ottawa trip myself. just wondering, how much did it cost you? do you have a record of how much it cost you to do the trip, including food?
thanks, 21-10-2006 03:34:12 |
N/A | E-mail URL |
Just found your
page by accident during my lunch break. Having done some small
tours myself I have to say your trip sounds awsome! Bob McLuckie 12-06-2006 18:12:53 |
Greetings from Finland | E-mail URL |
I have been same
idea many years. But i want use more time, minimum 3 months. I want that
i have time stop interesties places, more that one times on the week.
But it is dificult find some frend how is it so "grazy" that you or i,
and how want leave that kind trip? Of course is it difficult take so
long time holiday whit out sponsored. But i beleave that it is possible
to me in next 5 years, i hope so. Jani 13-05-2006 06:56:23 |
Tak | E-mail URL |
Tak for et
interessant "lysbilled-foredrag i Høver Beboerhus ! Godt gået makker !! 25-03-2006 20:43:27 |
En rar genkendelse. | E-mail URL |
Hej med
jer to Kristen og Jan. Vi fandt tilfældigt jeres billeder fra jeres tur i Canada. Man blev helt varmt om hjertet her i den kolde vintertid ved at læse dagbog og se jeres billeder. Vi har selv i 1999 cyklet fra New York til San Francisco, nord om de store søer så det var et rart gensyn med de øde canadiskelandeveje, Terry Fox, vandfaldene maden, teltet, punkteringer og det alt sammen. Vi havde modvind hver dag. I haft mange medvindsdage. Men sådan er naturen. May the son shine and the wind be on your back. Tak fordi vi måtte snuse i jeres tur. Mvh Grethe og Erik 18-12-2005 17:43:27 - Grethe og Erik |
resa! |
Hej Jan, |
!! |
We have enjoyed
your story ! |
Imponerende |
Hej - jeg kom
lige forbi din side; imponerende cykeltur. Jeg har selv boet i Canada
(bl.a. i Moose Jaw), så det er meget sjovt at se og læse om turen... |
Journey! |
I have really
enjoyed the pictures and stories explaining your trip. Thanks for making
it accessible to us! I am hoping to bike across Canada next summer, and
your site has been a great source of information and inspiration. |
Canada |
Sikken en tur.
Flot hjemmeside! |
Thank you for
the brilliant summer one year ago! |
Jan, I have
wanted to write in the log book for sometime and what better time than
our one year start day anniversary. Thank you for the plentiful highs
and even the lows. At my desk I have a picture of us in Tobermory and it
will be my daily reminder of last summer. I will be pondering each day
"Where were we one year ago?" Of course, it will always bring
a grin to my face. |
Neat! (er,
small correction) |
Great site Jan!
Came across it by accident and glad I did as I dream of doing it myself!
Small correction, in Ontario, the ferry you crossed in Cumberland was on
the Ottawa River which dumps into the St. Lawrence at Montreal. Peace!
Happy Journeys! |
Tour WOWZA! |
Great Site and
an amazing story!! |
Not bad, not
bad! |
Very intriguing
reading and a well-contructed website worthy of praise. My own 400 mile
trip through Scotland last yearis dwarfed in comparison to your trip.
Thanks for the ride. |
na |
Herligt at læse
om jeres rejseoplevelser, når jeg nu ikke selv lige er på farten |
cool |
hold da keft!
Tak for en spændende
oplevelse |
Det er en flot
hjemmeside med mange flotte billeder og interessante beskrivelser om
turen. |
what a gem! |
Hi you intrepid
pedaliousus! |
What an
incredible journey! |
Jan &
Kristen, |
Fun times,
nice pictures and a great adventure |
Hi. |
På cykel i
canada/alaska |
Fin side. Jeg
mindes min egen tur på cykel fra canada til alaska i 98 ca 3000 km som
var det i går. |
Thank you |
website. How about an account of your best/worst experiences on the road? |
Well done |
Just found your
website on Outdoor Canada, good work on the trip and this site. I'm
hoping to do a similar trip this summer, so thanks for the info. |
Cool ! |
Det lyder til at
have været en fantastisk oplevelse... |
| forside | om projektet | udstyr | billeder | ruten | om mig | dagbog | foredrag | links | omtale | gæstebog |