statistics >
By the numbers - Starting date: 18th May 2004 - Finish date: 29th July 2004 - Total days: 73 - Days of rest: 14 - Days on the road: 59 - Total distance: 6,882.49 km - Average daily distance: 116.65 km - Total ride time: 327.4 hours (13.64 days) - Average speed: 21.09 km/h - Fastest daily average speed: 28.51 km/h - Longest daily ride time: 9 hours and 54 mins. - Longest daily distance: 281.67 km - Number of flat tires (Jan): 2 - Number of flat tires (Kristen): 16 - Number of flat tires (trailer): 4 - Total weight loss : 20 kgs |
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